I just finished making 16 pillows. Now, I don't mean the pretty, frilly, fancy, decorative ones something like these.
I mean small, simple, quick, easy, sometimes silly ones like these.
And I didn't make them just for fun, no, it was for a good cause. Two years ago at our women's retreat, someone suggested we make pillows as one of our crafts, again, not just for fun, but for a good cause - our comfort! Our Camp Koinonia is quite rustic and for our sessions we sit on cold, hard stone! Yes, stone! So pillows it was! In just one day we made 57 pillows. But of course that wasn't enough! We had 100 ladies last year. Those that were lucky enough to get a pillow, were grateful, but what about those who didn't get one?
So, I made 16 more today. 57 + 16 = 73. My friend Heather said she'd make 16.
73 + 15 = 88. Getting there! I have 19 more already cut out.
88 + 19 = 107! But of course they're not made yet! Maybe next month I'll make them.
We decided not to have this as a craft this year, because we have so many other fun ideas! But the ladies will be so happy to see lots more pillows for their comfort on May 18, 19 and 20!
Just an anecdote about our pillows: Another group was renting the camp for their weekend retreat and asked about "those pillows" that we had made. Could they borrow them? At that moment, the pillows were safely hidden on the stop shelf of my closet. As hidden as 57 pillows can be! Nope, they weren't available to borrow! Can you imagine how long our precious pillows would last if we loaned them out to other groups?? We're not being greedy (I don't think!), just careful of our hard-earned property! If other groups want pillows, they're easy to make - we'll gladly give them lessons if they'd like! Monica is giving sewing lessons at our community outreach center and the cost is minimal!