Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sometimes - in fact, often - those of us who live here in Mexico don't "see" or "hear" or "observe" unusual scenes and sounds like our visitors from the States do. But one day as I was waiting for the light to change, I saw this sign. Wow!

Master Holmar
Reading your destiny in your hands

Some of the things he offers are: washings, spiritual cleansings (limpias), and amulets. "Please come visit us" he says! Is that where we get our peace? From someone reading our hands???

Thank God we get our peace from God Himself, who gives us peace beyond understanding. And instead of reading it in our hands, we read it in the Word of God! I'll take that kind of peace any day! What about you?

A sound I hear often, but which startled our American friends who are visiting right now is a loud - yes, very loud - whistle. "What is THAT?" they asked. "Oh, it's just a person selling camotes, or tamales. That's his whistle to announce that he's there." I probably wouldn't have heard it if Anne hadn't been so startled by it!

We may be next door to the U.S., but trust me, this is not the U.S. Nor is it even close to being like the U.S.! There are so many unusual and "weird" things here, but I never notice them, to tell the truth! They're common everyday happenings in my life!

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