Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ever try playing games in a garage with between 40 and 60 extremely lively kids? It's a challenge, that's for sure! But our team not only managed it, but gave the kiddos the time of their lives! Don't ask me what the name of this game is - it made no sense to me, but the kids LOOOVED it! There are several balls bouncing around there somewhere.

Monica, a good teacher!

Rosy was great with the songs - she adds "chispa" to them! Luis, her helper, made it fun for the kids and I think he had fun too! Other helpers here are Isel and Janett.

Who needs tables and lots of room to do handwork?? Gotta admit, it got a little (no, a lot!) chaotic at times, but the children are used to tight squeezes and chaos, so it worked out fine!

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