Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camp Las Buenas Nuevas

Sometimes I like to put crazy stuff on my blog and these pictures definitely fit that category! They're also wonderful memory pictures!

When I was a kid, my parents started a camp, because they had four kids who needed a camp! And there were none around - at least that we knew of!

They joined with other missionaries who also had children in need of a camp, and off we went!

To Valle de Bravo, an absolutely beautiful forested mountainous area of Mexico. Also a COLD area of Mexico! Nights were CHILLY, if I remember correctly! Days were gorgeous and warm.

Tents were our "cabins." At first we basically lived in the outdoors, later my parents and other parents set up a tent for cooking, eating, etc. Our "bathrooms" were latrines that we built upon arrival. Our "baths" were taken in the stream - and this wasn't a warm-water spring! Yikes! It was cold! And our drinking water came from a spring 'WAY up the mountain - we took lots of trips up there for water!

In later years we found other spots for our camp - some that had a few more comforts than Valle de Bravo! But, you know, they weren't any more fun! Of course I speak from the viewpoint of a kid who's just HAVING FUN! I know it was a ton of work for the parents - who did it gladly and sacrificially!

Check out these "old fashioned" pictures!

Believe it or not, there I am on the left! The others are Lois Fountain, Elaine (my sister), my mother and Sarah Fountain. Aren't we SOMETHING?? Imagine girls wearing skirts to camp nowadays???!!

My dad is the one with dark glasses. My brothers are Lee (red sweater) and Keith (on the right)

There's the whole bunch! I remember most of them, but a couple I can't place! Sometimes memories fail us!

The parents took turns teaching us.

Here's my dad giving us a Bible lesson.

Thanks to Margaret Pentecost, one of the missionaries in the pictures,
for sending these to my sister and then on to me!

I treasure them!


Kris Livovich said...

i like it.
love, elia

Beth Hanna said...

I'm glad you like it! I loved camping! Even when I had to bathe in the ICY stream!