Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas programs, barbacoa, ponche, Christmas games, gifts, and much more!

It's feeling a lot like Christmas these days. It's even beginning to LOOK a lot like Christmas (no snow though, thankfully!). At the church's Christmas dinner/program, we started out with some Christmas songs with some of the junior highers and their teachers Rosy (R) and Gaby (L).

Followed by a radio program, which included a "spot" with cooking tips. Like, how to serve yourself a bowl of cereal!! And Yeyo on the right, was happy to test it out! The entire radio program was very creative and fun.

Then dinner! Barbacoa (BBQ), which is NOTHING like U.S. BBQ. The meat has been cooked for several hours, and is then chopped and put into tortillas like a taco. You can add salsa, onions, cilantro, lime juice and ENJOY! Our own Francisco and Gaby, who have a barbacoa stand, made dinner for us. It was accompanied by all the ponche (hot Mexican punch) we desired. Very delicious.

Sunday morning I joined Alan and Beth's Bible study group in our home, since our dinner at church was Sunday evening. We had a time of carol singing, a video message, then a Christmas object lesson by daughter Bethie.  She didn't know she was going to give the lesson, but she's as good at ad libing and impromptu messages as her Dad was! Very fun lesson!

Sunday afternoon a bunch of us "gringos" got together for a potluck dinner, then games. The following pictures show the "opening-the-gift" game. You need a chocolate bar covered with about 50 layers of Christmas giftwrap, large gloves, a hat, a scarf, two die and a knife and fork. The one to finally get through to the candy bar is the winner! That is, if there's anything but crumbs left!

Bethie's turn
Cameron's turn

The adults played one game, the children another. Here Kara has finally gotten to the chocolate!

On Monday our ladies' prayer group met at a local restaurant for fellowship and a gift exchange. We need to meet like this more often!         

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