Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kid's Club and the Carlisle team

The team left this morning - it must have been early, and they must have been VERY quiet, because I didn't hear a thing! They accomplished a lot at the community ministry center and we're so grateful for their help. I'm sure when they all get home, they'll want to REST, after putting up that roof at the center! That was HARD WORK! Check out for some videos of the hard work they accomplished.

Over 40 came to kids' club yesterday. Today was the last day, with prizes, a cake and a salvation message for the children AND adults that attend. Even though there was a bit of a scare one day because people reacted negatively to the club, the attendance kept rising and we know the Gospel has been presented to a neighborhood we haven't worked in before. Pray that many will come to know the Lord. Monica, who lives in that neighborhood, said, "It's a big responsibility for us who live there. We want to witness to our neighbors and so we have to live the Christian life before them as well."

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