Sunday, March 1, 2009

Around town this week

I love to stop at the local "juice shack" for a green juice! They have different choices: orange, orange pineapple, beet, beet and carrot, carrot, or my favorite: a mixture of pineapple, orange, nopal and parsley. Very delicious! It definitely wakes you up early in the morning!

It's not a fancy shop - in fact, most gringos probably would pass it by and not even CONSIDER stopping!

We went to the doctor this week. Sarah, our intern, wasn't feeling well, so the logical gringo thing would be for me to take her to the doctor. But, we're not talking "gringo" here! Her entire Mexican family went along for the trip: Mom Ivonne, son Julio (above and below), daughter Gaby and her two children, daughter Rosy, and me! Going to the doc is a family affair around here! Here Julio is entertaining the young'uns in the waiting room! The baby, as you can see, really loved the horsey ride - he's three weeks old!

Oh, Sarah's doing a little better now, and the doctor is a very good one. I was very impressed with his "bedside manner."

1 comment:

Doug and Rebecca said...


I must say that your "personal favorite" is an interesting one! I never would have imagined nopales with orange, but now that I think about it, it sounds pretty good. Parsley, though? Hmmm. I'd have to taste it to believe it!

That juice shack looks a whole lot like my favorite restaurant here: a couple of nice plastic tables and chairs with Coca-Cola on the back (or Tecate) and a checkered plastic table cloth! Atmosphere is everything, eh?

I'm glad I found your blog! I clicked over from the Missionary Blog Watch.

Que tenga un buen fin de semana!