Sunday, August 16, 2009

Run, Peanut!!

Peanut LOOOOOOOVES it when they water our "community yard." When we go out to chase the ball, all I have to say is, "Run, Peanut!" and she's OFF! She chases the water, bites it, barks at it, and gets totally soaked. If I'm not careful, I also get soaked when she comes back to me!

Here's our beautiful palm tree near the entrance of our community. It used to have dead palm leaves hanging from it, but they've been removed. They're still piled up below the tree (see last two pictures), but eventually someone will come take them away.

Here she comes bringing the ball back to me, so I can throw it again! She loves it! She wears herself out chasing that ball, but never tires of doing it!

Here she comes again. Oops! Where's the ball?! Well, she had it a minute ago, but that spraying water got in the way and she had to chase it awhile! So, the ball was forgotten. Do you see it? I don't either! I have to carefully watch where the ball lands, or I'll end up searching our whole yard for it! Because she has no clue where she left it! Several times today she forgot about her ball, came chasing back to me and looked at me as if to say, "Well, where's the ball!" Oh, you dog of little brain!

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