Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ladies Christmas Dinner

Last night our ladies held our Christmas dinner. What a beautiful time we enjoyed together!
After singing some Christmas carols, I gave a talk on ways we can enrich our celebration of the Christmas season. I trust the ladies will take it to heart and use some of the ideas with their families!

Rosaura, on the right, is leaving our church with her husband, to return to their own Presbyterian church. We will miss them very much and gave her a little gift and a card we all wrote in to give her a beautiful send-off. We wil, I'm sure, see her around, since they live not far from me and will invite her to our special get togethers!

We exchanged gifts and gave lots of Christmas hugs. Yolanda gave me a luscious gift - see next picture!

Chocolate truffles! It's like Yolanda knew EXACTLY what I love - once I made a crosstitch gift for my mother in law that read "chocolate makes the world go round!" These are delicious and I'm trying not to eat them TOO quickly!

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