Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I´m not quite sixty-five (and if you believe THAT¡¡¡¡¡¡). Seriously, I've passed that age by at least two, but still feel 40. Really! Truly! Except for a few small tremors here and there, and those white hairs that keep coming, I feel great, and except for that extra weight I've already put on since being in the States (I've only been here less than 3 weeks!), I feel good! Most of the new clothes I've bought still fit - and that´s a good thing! I found this cute poem to describe how I feel, and it does it well!

Alive at Sixty-five
By I don't know who

Over the hill but not yet old.
I'm still spunky, so I am told.
My life has been a bumpy ride.
But, my inner child smiles inside.

As the winter of my life slowly nears,
It's time for me to switch some gears.
But, while I´m waiting for that time,
I'm kicking and alive at sixty-five.

Hey, I´m hoping that when I´m 94 (heaven forbid that I reach that age here on earth!) like Uncle Leon, I´ll have half the energy and FUN, and life that he has! You go, Uncle Leon!!

The only part I disagree with in the poem is the switching of gears. Why, why, why do I have to switch gears?? The other day I rode in a little car modeled after the Model T - it was amazing! And my sister and I took a 10 day road trip from San Antonio to Des Moines. Is that switching gears? Not a chance! Our little rented car tooled right along - sometimes too fast. Isn't that right Mr. Policeman? No, he didn't give me a ticket, just a warning - we tooled along a little slower through the many towns after that!

Well, enough foolishness. I gotta get to work translating a great article someone sent me for Obrerofiel!

1 comment:

Kris Livovich said...

If you don't feel 65, I don't feel 33! I made a snide comment to a friend the other day about "40 year old women with tatoos" and she said, "you mean 40 like me?" Oops!