Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last night we had a QUINCE party to beat all QUINCE parties! Wow! We started out with a very short service of singing, then an excellent evangelistic message by Julio Cesar (above). He's very good, not just at preaching, but teaching, MCing, computer, just being a special friend, etc. We need more like him!

Joel won in the costume contest, hands down! He wasn't sure he even wanted to be in it, but had no choice! He's a cute one, that little guy.

I also won some prizes for my costume - the best part of the costume doesn't show - on the bottom it has more cross stitch and lace, very pretty - it's an authentic huipil from Yucatan that my friend Mundi sent me!

My prizes: You'll never guess what they were, so I'll just have to tell you. First a fly swatter, then a scrub brush, a rag (yep, a rag!!) and an apron! I guess they think I need to be on the clean-up crew!

An of course, what's a QUINCE party without Miguel Hidalgo?? At first I thought he was a puppy, but notice the bald head? Well, Miguel Hidalgo had a bald head with white hair - yep, that's him all right!!

1 comment:

Kris Livovich said...

Viva Mexico! And that Miguel Hidalgo wig is adorable.