Sunday, December 12, 2010

Murder by Family

Can you imagine anything worse than a young son killing his own family?

I can't either.

But of course we know it happens. Horrible things happen in families, some of them beautiful, happy, CHRISTIAN families!

And that's what Murder by Family is about. Someone describes the book as "a captivating, heart-wrenching, emotion-evoking journey of a father who is betrayed by a son he deeply loves. This book reads like a novel, but grips the heart with tenacity because it's the true story of a man who loses the people he loves most and then willfully chooses to forgive the perpetrator."

It's not just a book of murder, it's a book of God-given forgiveness. Something we all need.

I'm reading another book too! I often have a couple books going at once - I'm not sure how I keep them separate in my mind, but do manage to! I'll tell you later about that book - it's also fascinating!

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